Situated on the coastal prairies of southeastern Texas, Houston 50 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. The climate is moderate and ideally suited for year-round outdoor activities and recreation. Often referred to as “The Bayou City,” Houston claims a landscape and climate that has more in common with neighboring southern Louisiana than the arid western regions people usually associate with the state of Texas. The climate in Houston is moderate with temperatures ranging between 32 degrees (20 days per year) and 90 degrees (95 days per year). Precipitation averages nearly 50 inches per year, although snow is rare.

Monthly Temperature Averages

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June
Hi 61°F 65°F 71°F 78°F 85°F 90°F
Lo 21°F 23°F 32°F 40°F 50°F 59°F
Precip 3.29 2.96 2.92 3.21 5.24 4.96
July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
Hi 93°F 93°F 88°F 82°F 72°F 65°F 79°F
Lo 64°F 63°F 55°F 42°F 34°F 26°F 43°F
Precip 3.6 3.49 4.89 4.27 3.79 3.45 46.07

Precipitation is displayed in inches

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