Voter Registration
Any U.S. citizen who will be at least 18 years of age prior to the general election can register to vote. In California, the deadline to register to vote for an election is 15 days before each local and statewide election. You do not have to choose a political party in order to register. Registration is free of charge and permanent unless you change political parties, your name or address. In those cases, you must re-register. Registration forms are available in a number of locations, including the office where you license and title your vehicles. It is also possible to download and print out a registration form on the county and state elections information websites. Upon completion of the registration card, return it in person or by mail to the county registrar of voters. Before each election, the county will mail you a sample ballot with the location of your poll. California residents are able to vote by absentee ballet without stating a reason. Contact your county registrar of voters for details:

California Secretary of State
Elections & Voter Information
Sacramento 916-653-6814

San Diego County Registrar of Voters
5201 Ruffin Road
San Diego 858-565-5800
Toll Free 800-696-0136

Mailing Address
Registrar of Voters
P.O. Box 85656
San Diego, CA 92186-5656

Political Parties
California has eight official parties that include the dominant Republican and Democratic parties. Contact information for local political party leaders are available through your county clerk or registrar of voters. You may also contact the California headquarters for the Democratic and Republican parties to learn about leaders and affiliated offices in or near your community. The League of Women Voters is another excellent source of information about candidates and local contacts.

California Democratic Party

California Republican Party

League of Women Voters
As a nonpartisan political organization, the League of Women Voters encourages citizens to remain informed and active in our government. This nationwide organization furnishes information about candidates, issues, and voting procedures. In addition to its own website, the League of Women Voters in California has developed the award-winning Smart Voter website. Call or visit online for local league connections.

California League of Women Voters

Smart Voter
Nonpartisan Election Information

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