Children who are enrolling in kindergarten must be at least five years old on or before July 1 of the enrollment year. Parents of new students who will be attending one of the school districts in the Indianapolis metropolitan and surrounding areas should bring the following items to registration:

*           Official birth certificate or other proof of identity/birth date
*           Official immunization records
*           Name and address of previous school attended
*           Legal custody or guardianship papers if necessary

Indiana state law requires all elementary school children to have their immunizations up to date before entering school. Required immunizations include five doses of DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus); four doses polio, two doses MMR (mumps, measles rubella) and three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine. Documented evidence from a physician, including dates of immunization, must be presented by the first day of classes. All students entering sixth grade in Indiana Schools are required to have a second dose of the measles vaccine. You may contact a physician of your choice to update your child’s immunization status or call the local health department for information on free clinics.

School Data
The School Data website provides informational, demographic, and achievement data about Indiana schools. You can separate the data using multiple variables and graphically display the results. This section also allows for comparisons to similar schools and links to possible strategies for improvement:

Charter schools
In many communities in the metropolitan area, charter schools present an alternative choice for public education. Operating under a unique “charter,” these schools are free from many of the regulations that apply to traditional public schools. Charter schools are accountable to their sponsor — usually a state or local school board — to produce positive academic results and adhere to the charter contract. Charter schools are designed to create choice for parents and students within the public education system as well as encourage innovative teaching practices. For more information on charter schools that may be available in your area, contact:

Charter School Information

Magnet Schools
Expanding the educational choices within the public schools are magnet schools, where students received enriched learning opportunities. Academic excellence, high student achievement, career path exploration, and real-world learning are some of the emphasized themes. Interested students must apply for a magnet program. Applications are available from the district Magnet Office beginning in October of each school year. These forms must be completed and signed by the parent, then returned to the school for processing. For complete details on magnet schools, contact:

Magnet & Option Programs
120 East Walnut Street
Indianapolis 317-226-4000

Assessment & Testing
ISTEP+ and Core 40 end-of-course assessments are currently used in Indiana to evaluate academic progress toward mastery of what students should know and be able to do. ISTEP+ utilizes both a method of testing basic skills that include multiple choice questions and a method of testing applied skills including short answer or essay questions and the solving of arithmetic or mathematical problems. All questions are appropriate for the designated grade level tested. Core 40 End-of-Course Assessments are designed to test what students know and are able to do after taking specific Core 40 courses. They are aligned with Indiana’s Academic Standards adopted by the Indiana State Board of Education in English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Like the standards, they reflect quality, consistency, and rigor. For further information on any aspect of education in Indiana, contact:

Indiana Department of Education
Office of the Superintendent
115 West Washington Street
Indianapolis 317-232-6610

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