Registration Requirements
Missouri state law states that children who are at least five years of age on or before August 1 can enroll in kindergarten. Those who are at least six years of age on or before August 1 may enroll in first grade. Although school districts are allowed to set their own entrance cut-off dates, most use the August 1 deadline. Another exception is a student who has attended kindergarten or first grade in another state and transfers to Missouri but does not meet the age requirement. School districts are given the authority to evaluate these cases individually. Parents registering a child should contact the school their child will be attending to obtain dates and times for registration. If at all possible, registration should be completed before or by August 1.

At the time of registration, parents should be prepared to present the following: Legal birth certificate, most recent report card or unofficial transcript, child’s social security number, physician-signed proof of immunizations, parent or guardian contact numbers, emergency contact information, and special medical information. Two documents will be required to prove residency in the school district, which can take the form of a real estate deed, apartment lease agreement, property tax receipt, utility bill, occupancy permit, or signed sales contract on home. More information on public education in Missouri and answers to specific questions are available from:

Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
Jefferson City

Immunizations Laws
The immunization law in Missouri requires students to show proof of compliance upon enrollment into any public school. The law applies to all students new in the district, transferring and promoted students, and newly enrolled students. Required immunizations include Varivax (unless the child has had chickpox naturally), MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), DtaP (diphtheria, tetanus acellular, and pertussis), IPV (polio vaccine), Hib (haemophilus influenzae Type B), and Hep B (hepatitis B). When enrolling a child, parents must bring the child’s immunization record and a physician-signed copy of a physical exam. For specific guidelines, call your child’s school, contact the local health department, or refer to the Missouri Department of Health website link that specifically deals with immunizations:

Immunization Information

Home Schooling
Any parent may educate a child at home, regardless of whether parent holds a teaching certificate. Parents who decide to home school must offer 1,000 hours of instruction over the course of the school year and meet specific requirements for reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. For more specific information, contact:

Home Schooling Regulations
School Laws & Legislation

Charter Schools
Charter schools are public institutions created or organized under a “charter” by a group of teachers, community members, or parents. An existing local public school board or county board of education sponsors each school. In general, charter status increases the autonomy of the school and allows it to move from a rule-based to performance-based criteria of accountability. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education can provide more detailed information about charter school opportunities.

Charter Schools

The Missouri Assessment Program or MAP performance-based assessment system is administered by all public Missouri schools. The assessment system is designed to measure student progress toward meeting the Show-Me Standards, 73 rigorous academic standards that were adopted by the State Board of Education. MAP covers six general subject areas: math, communication arts, science, social studies, health/physical education, and fine arts. Results from the Missouri Assessment Program are calculated for individual students, schools, and school districts. A percentile score based on national norms is reported on the multiple-choice portion of the assessment. School, district, and state results are available by request or on-line.

Missouri Assessment Program

Frequently Requested Numbers

Division of School Improvement

Missouri School Improvement Program

Curriculum Services

Gifted Education Programs

Special Education

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